The weapons that we teach at our school are the BONG (staff), the MOC GUOM (wood sword), the LONG GUOM (sword), the MA DAO (broadsword), the DAI DAO (long handle)….
The major purpose of training with weapons is to teach the difference between life and death This comes about when a person realizes just how lethal weapons are. There is a drastic difference between fighting with an empty hand and fighting with a weapon. For example, a punch to the chest stuns, while the same technique done with a sword kills. Therefore training with weapons requires greater mental focus than empty hand training, and it helps students gain a greater appreciation for life.
In Co-Vo-Dao the weapon is simply used as an extension of the body. Nearly all basic Qwan Ki Do moves can be duplicated with a weapon in your hand, therefore, the perfection of basic moves is a necessity for weapons training.The most useful weapons for present day training are the bong, or tien bong(two short sticks) usually made from rotten. The same moves learned with these weapons can be applied to a broom, pool cue, umbrella or rolled up newspaper.