Grading System

At one time the belt colour system of levels did not exist. A great number of traditional Viêt Nam martial arts only recognized three levels:

1) SO DANG or NHAP MON (Initiation)
2) TRUNG DANG or TRUNG MON (Middle Level)
3) THUONG DANG or DAI MON (High Level)

Other schools used the concept of different colored uniforms (VO PHUC) or the number of pockets found on the uniform, or different colored scarves worn around the neck or again, ties around the belt to determine the level of knowledge and experience of the student.
In QWAN KI DO or QUAN KHI DAO, the traditional grading system follows the traditional system of Dai hoaluuhành handed down by generations of Grand Masters. It was slightly altered to fit in with Western culture.

This category consists of five levels…During the initiation period, the beginner wears a large white sash with levels named “Câp”: red stripes for children and blue stripes for teenagers and adults. The time elapsed between grades is usually 9 to 10 months (approximately the length of a sporting season).
corresponds to Vô Cuc (symbolizes emptiness, infinity, the beginning of life)

1st Blue Stripe, corresponds to Thai Cuc (symbolizes the law of transformation and basic knowledge of the first elements)

2nd Blue Stripe or Luong Nghi, symbolizes the emergence and the conflict between the two poles AM and DUONG, and technically represents harmony between the sides of the body and then between the upper and lower parts of the body
3rd Blue Stripe or Tu Tuong, (symbolizes the four cardinal directions and the four limbs of the body).

4th Blue Stripe or Ngu Hành, (symbolizes the five elements, the distinct difference between the body as a whole and the amazing agility of the four limbs).

After four years of regular practice and the acquisition of all four “Câp” (Stripes), the student, after evaluation, will be allowed to be tested for the national Black Belt level (or Blue with a red border in France) the TRUNG MON, middle level, requiring a minimum age of 16).

One year after passing the exam to reach middle level, the student is allowed to take the first exam of TRUNG MON. Nhât Dang, Nhi Dang…or Môt Dang, Hai Dang…are terms used to represent the degrees of the HUYEN DAI category (Black Belt with a red border):

KIEN 1st Degree or Nhât Dang or Môt Dang
DOAI 2nd Degree or Nhi Dang or Hai Dang
LY 3rd Degree or Tam Dang or Ba Dang
CHAN 4th Degree or Tu Dang or Bôn Dang
TON 5th Degree or Ngu Dang or Nam Dang

The time spent between each Degree or each Nhât Dang, Nhi Dang…(Môt Dang, Hai Dang…) is prescribed in the technical regulation of the WORLD UNION OF QWAN KI DO. All candidates who are granted an exam, starting with the 1st Dang, must first be approved by The World Commission of Grades and Dang.

HONG BACH DAI : White and Red belt with a Yellow border.

KHAM 6th Degree or Luc Dang or Sau Dang
CAN 7th Degree or Thât Dang or Bay Dang
KHON 8th Degree or Bat Dang or Tam Dang

Siêu Dang (White belt with a Red band in the middle and a Yellow border). This grade is awarded to the Veteran Expert who has dedicated his entire life to the service of his method and to martial art.

DICH 9th Degree or Cuu Dang or Chin Dang
DAO 10th Degree or Thâp Dang or Muoi Dang

The CHUONG MON DAI belt level handed down from generation to generation, was given in his will by Master CHAU Quan Ky to Master PHAM XUAN Tong. This belt, above all grades of QWAN KI DO guarantees the ethics and the authenticity of this method. According to the principle of Dai Hoa Luu Hành, it is placed in the “Que Khôn” position and symbolizes the theory of “eternal rebirth”. It is consists of four bands representing the four colours of traditional virtues. These are:
1) The blue band at the belt edge – The blue colour represents goodness and willpower.
2) The yellow band in second position – The yellow colour represents lucidity and clairvoyance.
3) Red, the main belt color – The red colour represents courage and combativeness.
4) The white band in the center of the Belt – The white colour symbolizes Purity and represents the synthesis of all colours.